Building a Healthy Community

Diabetes and Exercise

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Diabetes, Physical Activity, Obesity

Diabetes is a disease that affects how the body uses glucose (say: gloo-kose), a sugar that is the body's main source of fuel. Like a CD player needs batteries, your body needs glucose to keep running. Here's how it should work.

1. You eat.

2. Glucose from the food gets into your bloodstream.

3. Your pancreas produces a hormone called insulin (say: in-suh-lin).

4. Insulin helps the glucose get into the body's cells.

5. Your body gets the energy it needs.

If someone has diabetes, the body either can't make insulin (this is called type 1 diabetes) or the insulin doesn't work in the body like it should (this is called type 2 diabetes). The glucose can't get into the cells normally, so the blood sugar level gets too high. Lots of sugar in the blood makes people sick if they don't get treatment.

Most people who have type 2 diabetes are overweight.

Taking Steps to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

1. Try to eat foods that are low in fat, but high in other nutrients. Here are some good choices: whole-grain cereals and breads, fruits, vegetables, milk, yogurt, cheese, lean meats, and other sources of protein.

2. Limit fast food and sugary sodas. Eating too much fat and sugar can make you overweight. And being overweight can make you more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Try to cut back on fatty fast foods like and sugary drinks like sodas, juices, and iced teas.

3. Get up and get moving. Staying active is a better choice than watching TV or playing video or computer games when it comes to preventing diabetes and staying healthy. Moving around a lot helps prevent diabetes and helps keep your weight in a healthy range for your height. Being active can be as simple as walking the dog, running around your yard, or playing soccer with friends. Try to do something that gets you moving every day!

4. If you have questions about your weight, ask. If you're concerned about your weight, ask your mom or dad to take you to talk to your doctor. A doctor can help you find out if your weight is healthy and how to keep it that way.


Click here to see a video about diabetes

Physical Activity

Everyone can benefit from regular exercise. A child who is active will:

* have stronger muscles and bones
* have a leaner body because exercise helps control body fat
* be less likely to become overweight
* decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes
* possibly lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels
* have a better outlook on life

In addition to the health benefits of regular exercise, kids who are physically fit sleep better and are better able to handle the physical and emotional challenges that a typical day presents - be that running to catch a bus, bending down to tie a shoe, or studying for a test.

Aerobic exercise can be fun for both adults and children. Some examples of aerobic activities include:

* basketball
* bicycling
* kickball
* football
* soccer
* swimming
* tennis
* walking
* jogging
* running


For Infants:

Physical activity should encourage motor development


For Toddlers 2-4 years

30 minutes planned physical activity AND 60 minutes unstructured physical activity (free play)


For Preschoolers:

60 minutes planned physical activity AND 60 minutes unstructured physical activity (free play)


For School Age Children:


1 Hour of aerobic acitivity

Games and Activities

Click here for Printable Diabetes ad Physical Activity Fact Sheets

All information compiled from:

"Malamapono no na keiki i ka pae 'aina o Hawaii"~
Caring for the children of Hawaii