Building a Healthy Community


Bed Bugs
Dental Hygiene
Diabetes and Exercise
Head Lice
Meth Abuse
Personal Hygiene
Tuberculosis (TB)


What is head Lice?

Head lice is a parasite that feeds on blood and lives on human hair. Although they are not dangerous, the itching resulting from these tiny parasites may lead to skin irritation due to scratching. This may further lead to infections.


How do I know if I have head lice?

If you start to feel constant itching, then ask your parents if they can check your head. If they see tiny yellow, tan, brown, or white dots, then it is most likely that you have lice eggs (also called nits)! Although they may not itch, they may also tickle you!

Another sign of you being infected with these parasites is if you start to feel balls below your jaw. These are your lymph nodes that are swollen.


How can you prevent lice?

They are very contagious because they have claws that allow them to crawl onto other heads!

·A Avoid banging your head into other people. Be careful of head-to-head contact when playing games with others, since these parasites can easily jump onto your head!

D   Do not share anything you might wear on your head with others, even though you may think they do not head lice. Since head lice is not caused by hygiene factors, even someone with clean hair can have head lice!

In   In the same way, avoid lying on the floor since someone with lice could have also been lying there.

      If you think you might have head lice, tell your parents or your doctor immediately so that they can start some treatment. The earlier you tackle the problem, the quicker you can get rid of it!

H   However, although these bugs are very contagious, it has been proven that they are only spread by humans – pets don’t have these bugs.


What NOT to do?

Do not scratch your head because this can lead to infection!! If you scratch your head too hard and your skin turns red, then you will have to drink disgusting antibiotics! It is best to tackle the problem early,  before it gets worse.


How can you treat it?

Ask your parents to get a special shampoo from the doctor that helps you treat head lice. Your parents may even be able to get some treatment from the pharmacy, but it is always best to consult with your doctor.

Follow the directions for the treatments, and do not overuse the products because this may cause you harm instead of helping you.

Once you are lice-free, remember to clean with alcohol all things that could have touched your head when you had head lice.   




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"Malamapono no na keiki i ka pae 'aina o Hawaii"~
Caring for the children of Hawaii